
Sentinel Locksmith

How to Get a Broken Key Out of Car Ignition?

How to Get a Broken Key Out of Car Ignition - Sentinel Locksmith

Discovering a broken key lodged in your car’s ignition can be a stressful and inconvenient situation. However, with the right tools and a methodical approach, you can safely and effectively remove the broken key without causing damage to your ignition. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to get a broken key out of your car’s ignition, ensuring a swift resolution to this common issue. Plus, when you need professional assistance in Orleans and the surroundings, remember to contact Sentinel Locksmith for a reliable and expert solution.

Stay Calm and Assess the Situation

When you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of a broken key in your car’s ignition, it’s important to stay calm. Panicking can lead to impulsive decisions, which may further complicate the problem. Instead, take a deep breath and assess the situation. Examine the extent of the damage and the key’s position in the ignition. Is it partially sticking out, or is it completely flush with the ignition? Understanding the situation is the first step to finding a suitable solution.

Gather the Necessary Tools

To remove a broken key from the ignition, you’ll need a set of essential tools:

  • Needle-nose pliers or tweezers: These are used to grip and extract the broken key.
  • A small, thin screwdriver: This tool can be helpful for creating a gap or leverage when necessary.
  • Lubricant (such as WD-40): Lubrication reduces friction and makes it easier to slide the broken key out.
  • A small, stiff wire (a paperclip can suffice): You can use this as a hook to catch the key if it’s flush with the ignition.
  • A spare key or a new key to test the ignition: After removing the broken key, testing the ignition with a spare key is crucial to ensure it functions properly.

Lubricate the Ignition

Spray a small amount of lubricant, such as WD-40, into the ignition. This step serves to reduce friction and make the extraction process smoother. It allows for easier movement of the broken key, making it simpler to remove.

Use Needle-Nose Pliers or Tweezers

Gently insert the needle-nose pliers or tweezers into the ignition, aiming to grasp the broken key. Be extremely careful not to push the key further into the ignition, as this can complicate the situation. Slowly and steadily, attempt to clamp onto the key and carefully pull it out. Patience and precision are key here.

The Screwdriver Method

If the pliers or tweezers don’t work, the screwdriver method can come in handy. Insert the screwdriver into the ignition beside the broken key. Gently wiggle and pry it to create a small gap. The goal is to create enough space for you to grip the key with your pliers or tweezers. This method might require more finesse and patience.

The Wire Hook

For situations where the key is flush with the ignition, creating a small hook using a wire (or a paperclip) can be an effective method. Insert the hook next to the key, and with a gentle and upward motion, attempt to catch the broken key’s teeth. Once you have a grip, slowly pull it out. This method requires delicacy, as excessive force could worsen the problem.

Test with a Spare Key

After successfully removing the broken key, it’s essential to test the ignition with a spare or new key to ensure it functions correctly. Lubricate the ignition again if necessary. This step guarantees that the ignition is in good working order and ready for use.

Preventive Measures

To avoid future key breakage, it’s important to maintain the condition of your keys. If you encounter any resistance when turning your key in the ignition, it’s wise to stop and assess the situation. Applying excessive force can lead to key breakage. Consider regularly inspecting your keys for any signs of wear and tear and promptly replace them if needed.

Additional Tips

  • Safety Precautions: It’s advisable to wear gloves and eye protection during the removal process. This helps prevent any potential injuries or exposure to sharp edges.
  • Legal Disclaimer: Attempting to remove the key on your own might void existing warranties or insurance coverage on your vehicle. Be sure to consider these factors before proceeding.


A broken key in your car’s ignition is a situation that can be resolved with patience and the right tools. By following these steps and staying calm, you can safely remove the broken key without causing damage to your vehicle. However, if you encounter difficulties or feel uncertain about handling the situation yourself, it’s wise to contact a professional locksmith. Sentinel Locksmith offers expert assistance for complex key-related issues, ensuring your vehicle’s security and functionality. Our team of skilled locksmiths is just a call away, ready to provide a reliable and professional solution to your key-related concerns.

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